While researching more on the meaning of bismillah i came across this rich information, we all say the word Bismillah but it is wisely advised we reflect on its meaning now and then and so as to the other Quranic verses we recite everyday inoder to make it come from our hearts.
- It is
narrated in Tafseere Burhaan that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said that
when a person recites “Bismillah...” then five thousand ruby palaces are built
for him in Jannah Each palace has a thousand chambers made of pearls and
in each chamber has seventy thousand thrones of emerald and each throne has
seventy thousand carpets made from special fabrics and upon each carpet is
seated a Hur-ul-Ein. A person asked for the condition necessary to get
this great reward and the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) replied that the person should
recite the “Bismillah…” with conviction and understanding.
- The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.)
has also said that when a believer will have to cross the Pul-e-Siraat on
the Day of Judgement, and he will say “Bismillah…” then the flames beneath him
will start dying down until Jahannam will cry out, ‘O believer, pass
through quickly, your presence is causing my fire to die out !’
- When a teacher teaches a
child to recite “Bismillah..” the child, his parents and the teacher are all
guaranteed freedom from hellfire. It is narrated that Prophet Isa (a.s.) was
once passing by a graveyard and he saw a grave upon which the Wrath and
Punishment of Allah (s.w.t.) was descending, so he quietly walked past. When he
passed the same place after some time, he noticed that the Mercy and Blessings
of Allah (s.w.t.) was being showered on the same grave. He was surprised at this
and asked Allah (s.w.t.) about what has happened and it was revealed to him that
the man inside the grave was a sinner and was thus being punished for his sins.
When he died, his wife was pregnant and soon gave birth to a son. When the boy
grew older, his mother took him to a teacher who taught him to recite
“Bismillah…” and I felt that it would not be justice that this man’s son was
calling My Name and I was punishing his father in the grave.
- It is also mentioned that
recitation of “Bismillah…” with a loud voice is from the signs of a true
believer. Imam Ali Ridha (a.s.) said that “Bismillah…” is very close to the
chosen name of Allah (s.w.t.) [Isma A’adham].
Enjoy reading
Wasalam alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuh